Well, folks, our month-long adventure of meat madness is over. After leaving the Burger Brackets final open for voting for the past week, it's time to announce the clear winner. . . (can we get a drumroll, please?). . .
EatBar! The Arlingtonian gastropub, pictured above, fought off tough competition from BLT Steak, and eventually emerged the winner with 54% of the vote. Congrats! And many thanks to all the ardent burger fans who voted for their favorites all throughout the competition.
Now that Burger Brackets is over (at least, this installment), we have a few questions for you!
1. How could we have improved this competition for you? What features or ideas would you like to have seen added to the mix?
2. If we do another March Madness-style competition, what kind of food should we feature?
3. Who do you think deserved to win the Burger Brackets?
Leave your thoughts in the comments! And thanks for participating in Burger Brackets. It's been a wild ride.
See all previous Burger Brackets here.
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