
The Ultimate Pets Guide to Washington, DC

Washingtonian's report from the new world of pet love, plus a comprehensive guide to the area's very best pet care.

Photograph by Carli Davidson

We really, really, really love our animals.

It's why Arlington built a $1.8-million dog park, why practically every new NoMa apartment building comes with a "paw spa," and why Washington lawyers are billing hours spent writing trusts for cats and dogs. Twenty-first-century pet culture leaves owners—er,companions—with more choices than ever. Never fear! Here's our report from the new world of pet love, plus a comprehensive guide to the area's very best pet care.

More From the Guide...

Where to buy gourmet pets treats, pet tales from locals, and more.

This article appears in the February 2015 issue of Washingtonian.

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