Photograph courtesy Kind
If you’re looking for a free (and healthy) pick-me-up today, head to downtown DC, where folks from Kind, the healthy snack-food company, will be handing out oranges and free Kind bars, all-natural bars made with whole fruit and nuts.
The promotion is part of the company’s new initiative, Do the Kind Thing, a pay-it-forward campaign which encourages participants to do “one unexpected act of kindness each month.” This month’s “Kinding Mission” is to give an orange to someone who provides you nourishment—a restaurant employee, a cafeteria worker, a spouse, or roommate. Participants are encouraged to make a pledge here.
If at least 1,200 people sign up, Kind will partner with the Capital Area Food Bank’s Kids Cafe program to provide after-school meals and nutrition education to local kids. The program reaches 2,000 kids at more than 50 sites across Washington.
The Kind food truck will be handing out oranges and Kind bars from 11 to 2 today at 1900 L Street, Northwest.
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