For the haute version of beef stroganoff, filet mignon is dressed in a sour-cream-spiked sauce with roasted onions and dill, and served over buckwheat kasha. Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

Dainty quail arrive whole and stuffed with roasted apples and pine nuts. Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

A napoleon: layers of cream between pastry sheets with caramelized pecans.
Photograph by Jeff Elkins.
Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

The classic “vinegret” salad with roasted beets, potato, diced carrots, and full-sour pickles, which feature in many Mari Vanna dishes.
Photograph by Jeff Elkins.
Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

House-made blinis are served with salmon roe caviar and sour cream. Diners with money to burn can opt for pricey Osetra caviar. Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

Dinner calls for settling in to one of the many tables in the second-floor dining room for hearty plates. Photograph by Jeff Elkins.

Night owls will want to climb three stories to discover the cocktail bar, which hosts a deejay on weekend nights. Photograph by Jeff Elkins.