News & Politics

Anthony Fauci Sure Looks Happy in the Biden Administration

America's favorite doctor has his mojo back—and the internet is thrilled for him.

Screen capture of Dr. Anthony Fauci from a White House press briefing on Jan. 21, 2021.

Anthony Fauci made a triumphant return to the White House briefing room Thursday with all the mojo of a post-breakup glow up. The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases appeared almost giddy, laughing and smiling as he professed his feelings about the Joe Biden administration’s coronavirus approach—which is a total 180 from Donald Trump’s disdain for science and fact.

“The idea that you can get up here and talk about what you know, what the evidence, what the science is and know that’s it, let the science speak. It is somewhat of a liberating feeling,” said Fauci.

Twitter users picked up on the doc’s jovial mood, gleefully tweeting about Fauci’s “new administration, who dis?” vibes. Here are some of our favorite takes:

Daniella Byck
Lifestyle Editor

Daniella Byck joined Washingtonian in 2022. She was previously with Outside Magazine and lives in Northeast DC.