10 Best CBD Oils for Sleep

Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? If so, you definitely aren’t alone. According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million adults in the U.S. have a sleep disorder. While there are many different sleep aids on the market, CBD, also known as cannabidiol, has become one of the most popular products for getting better sleep.

While there is still a lot to learn about CBD and how it affects the human body, there is some scientific evidence that shows that CBD may be an effective natural compound that promotes sound sleep. If you’re tired of being tired and are looking for an alternative to melatonin or diphenhydramine, CBD oil could be the answer.

While there are thousands of different CBD oils to choose from, we’ve taken the time to come up with a list of vetted, high quality oils that promote a good night’s sleep. Keep reading to learn more about what CBD is, how it can improve your sleep, and why these 10 CBD oils are highly recommended.

CBD and Sleep

Despite the many misconceptions that you may have heard about CBD, it isn’t the same as THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol. THC and CBD are both cannabinoids, but they have very different side effects. THC is best known for its psychoactive effects, causing users to feel high, euphoric, and even anxious at times.

On the other hand, CBD relaxes the mind and body. It can help with racing thoughts, stress, and anxiety. CBD may also have strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can minimize those aches and pains that keep you up at night.

When your mind and body are relaxed, it’s easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. A study conducted in 2019 found that within a month, CBD supplementation was able to improve sleep in two-thirds of patients.

Using CBD as a Sleep Aid

If you’ve ever looked at CBD products before, you probably noticed that they’re available in many different types. These days you can take CBD by eating delicious gummies, drinking a CBD-infused drink, or by taking capsules. One of the most effective ways to take CBD to improve your sleep is in tincture, or oil form.

CBD tinctures are quick and convenient to use. All you have to do is place the oil under your tongue and hold it there for  60-90 seconds. Any residual oil should be swallowed. Aside from being convenience, CBD tinctures are also beneficial in that:

  • The effects occur pretty quickly (usually within 15-30 mins)
  • The effects last for hours
  • Dosing is relatively easy

CBD oil is available in a huge variety of flavors. To get the best experience possible, be sure to find a flavor that you actually enjoy. There’s nothing worse than having to force yourself to take something that you don’t like on a daily basis!

Interested in trying CBD to get better sleep at night? Here are our top 10 picks that will have you snoozing in no time.

1. Verma Farms

Verma Farms may be best known for their Hawaii-inspired CBD gummies, but don’t sleep on their CBD oils! The brand’s line of tinctures is also inspired by delicious island flavors. Each bottle is made with CBD that’s extracted from non-GMO, organically grown hemp.

Broad spectrum CBD oil from Verma Farms can be purchased in 500 mg or 1000 mg strengths, and is available in many different flavors. Some of the best sellers include:

  • Mint
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Peach
  • Mango
  • Strawberry

Verma Farms even offers a CBD oil called Sleep! This tincture is designed for winding down, chilling out, and getting the rest you need so that you can take on each day without feeling drowsy or tired. Sleep is infused with chamomile, melatonin, and ginseng, premium ingredients that are known to promote restful sleep.

2. Penguin

At the top of our list is Penguin. This brand has been part of the CBD industry for years and is well-known for creating pure, premium tinctures made with CBD that’s extracted from organically grown hemp. Each bottle contains high quality broad spectrum CBD that will help you drift off and fall asleep.

Whether you prefer refreshing, fruity, or sweet, Penguin has a CBD oil flavor that is sure to impress. When ordering, you can choose between Mint, Citrus, Strawberry, or Cookies & Cream. There is also a Natural option for those who like earthy tastes.

Penguin CBD oil is also sold in a variety of strengths. Penguin CBD oil can be purchased in 250 mg, 600 mg, 1000 mg, 2500 mg, and 5000 mg. If you’re new to CBD oil, it’s recommended to start with a lower strength and then increase as needed.


As the name implies, EVN CBD products are designed to keep you balanced and on an even keel. When the mind and body are synchronized, you’ll find that you have a natural calm that lasts all day and night, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

EVN CBD products are non-GMO, THC-free, gluten-free, and contain plant compounds extracted from organically grown hemp. With a high quality product comes quality benefits that can be nothing short of life changing.

EVN CBD offers two tinctures: Mint and Natural. Tinctures can be purchased in either 500 mg or 1000 mg strengths, depending on your dosage needs. As you’d expect, the Mint flavor is definitely the most popular. It creates a calming sensation that will prepare you for sleep.

4. Joy Organics

Joy Organics has been part of the CBD industry since 2018 and has a mission of providing premium CBD products that use all organic ingredients. As the owner, Joy Smith, struggled with sleep and other issues, she sought a natural product that could help. And thus Joy Organics was found.

Joy Organics’ tinctures are made with USDA certified organic ingredients. Tinctures are formulated with either broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD extract, along with natural flavorings and a carrier oil.

Tinctures are available in many different flavors, including Tranquil Mint, Orange Bliss, Fresh Lime, Summer Lemon, and Unflavored. So whether you prefer to wind down with a hint of citrus or prefer something that will cool your taste buds, Joy Organics has just the CBD tincture for you.

5. Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web offers carefully crafted CBD oil that is made with full spectrum extract so that you can enjoy all of the plant-powered goodness that hemp has to offer. While full spectrum CBD extract does contain THC, all Charlotte’s Web products are tested to ensure THC levels don’t exceed the legal limit of 0.3%.

One of the greatest benefits of full spectrum CBD extract is the entourage effect. The combination of cannabinoids and other plant compounds, such as terpenes and flavonoids, will provide an even better experience.

This brand offers many different strengths, including 7 mg, 17 mg, 50 mg, and 60 mg. Charlotte’s Web also offers an AM/PM bundle that is designed to give you the right amount of CBD based on the time of day. A higher dosage of CBD at night promotes better sleep.

Charlotte’s Web CBD tinctures are available in delicious flavors, including:

  • Mint chocolate
  • Orange blossom
  • Lemon twist
  • Olive oil (natural)


Known for being great in quality while providing excellent value for money, FABCBD has a range of full-spectrum CBD oils in different strengths, such as 300 milligrams (mg), 600 mg, 1,200 mg, and 2,400 mg. It also comes in various flavors, such as mint, vanilla, citrus, berry, and natural. Made from organic Colorado-grown hemp, these oils are all THC-free and third-party tested.

7. Sunday Scaries

If racing thoughts and worries keep you up at night, CBD oil from Sunday Scaries can help. This tincture is formulated to boost your “chillness” before bed while also calming your mind and keeping racing thoughts at bay.

Sunday Scaries offers high quality CBD products that are made with CBD harvested from hemp farms in Greeley, Colorado. Each batch is tested by a third party independent lab to ensure purity, potency, and safety.

What’s unique about Sunday Scaries’ CBD oil is that it not only contains broad spectrum CBD oil, it also contains other high quality ingredients including vitamin D3, vitamin B12, and coconut oil. Each bottle contains 500 mg and the flavor profile has been described as something similar to fruit punch, which sounds like a nice, fruity nightcap!

8. CBDistillery

CBDistillery was founded in 2016 by a group of people who wanted to provide high-quality, fairly priced hemp-derived CBD products. The company not only sells top of the line items, it’s also dedicated to its #CBDMOVEMENT, which seeks to inspire consumers to consider alternative methods to wellness.

Imagine waking up well-rested and ready to take on the day! With CBD tinctures from CBDistillery, you can make the best of your mornings and days. This brand offers both full and broad spectrum options, and even has tinctures that are designed to promote relaxation and rest.

Tinctures are available in 500 mg, 1000 mg, and 2500 mg strengths and can be purchased in Natural and Mango flavors. CBDistillery tinctures are available in two types: Relief + Relaxation and Sleep. The Sleep formula contains CBN, a cannabinoid that’s shown promise as a potential treatment for insomnia.

9. CBDfx

Add a drop of wellness into your life with CBD tinctures from CBDfx. This brand offers 100% vegan CBD oil that is made with non-GMO, CO2-extracted hemp oil. The CBD is then combined with coconut oil, which has shown to improve bioavailability and absorption, which means consistent, high quality results every time.

For sleep, we recommend the Calming Tincture. This product contains full spectrum CBD oil as well as CBN and a proprietary blend of terpenes designed to calm the mind and body. The Calming Tincture can be purchased in regular, extra, or maximum strength, depending on your needs.

With a 60-day money back guarantee, you can buy CBD oil or any other product from CBDfx with full confidence.

10. Barker Wellness

Sleep like a rockstar with a few drops of Barker Wellness Sleep Tincture at night. This is Travis Barkers’ new line of CBD products that are designed to promote health, wellness, and of course improved sleep.

Rest is essential to daily performance. Barker Wellness Sleep Tincture is formulated to naturally promote deep relaxation, which allows you to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night, without interruption. Every drop of Sleep Tincture contains a blend of broad spectrum CBD and CBN. The tincture also contains valerian root and melatonin, which plays a role in the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

The blueberry and vanilla bean flavors are not only delicious, but soothing. A drop or two under the tongue will have you feeling sleepy in no time.

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning and feeling like you never slept at all. When you’re lacking sleep, it takes a physical, mental, and emotional toll. When you’re tired, it’s hard to concentrate, and your productivity is sure to decrease. A lack of sleep may also make you more moody, which can complicate things at work and at home.

Aside from the mental and emotional side of things, not getting enough sleep can also have a huge impact on your physical health. A lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of poor heart health, weight gain, and even inflammation.

The good news is that CBD oil is more readily available than ever before. Just a drop of two under your tongue each night could be the answer to all of your sleep woes. By purchasing CBD oil from one of our 10 recommended brands, you can all but guarantee that you’ll fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Stop going through life tired and instead make CBD oil a part of your nightly care routine.

Medical Disclaimer
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires that we inform you that the efficacy of CBD oil products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research as a treatment for any medical condition. The information in this document is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.