News & Politics

Dating Diaries Update

Each week, we check in with our Dating Diarists to see what’s happening in their lives when it comes to chemistry, romance, and maybe even love.

Meet our daters: Mark Drapeau | Dana Neill | Sally Colson Cline | Michael Amesquita | Kate Searby | Max Schwartz | Lucas Wall 

Editor’s note: In an effort to protect the privacy of our diarists’ dates, our updates are on a slight time delay.

When last we checked in with our daters, one had said hello to a new boyfriend. Today we say goodbye to one of our diarists.

Last week, Max Schwartz told a woman he’d gone out with a few times about Dating Diaries, and so far she’s “not running for the exit.” Max did finally hear from the law student who had gone missing. She called out of the blue, and “it was kind of a weird conversation.” The law student told Max she’d been busy and would be for the next few weeks, but perhaps they could get together after that. “I told her if she had time that week that she should give me a call, and until then I’m going to go back to not thinking about it.”



Sally Colson Cline remains on a dating hiatus. “I’ve never actively taken time off,” says Sally. “It’s been nice. It’s been good to not have the pressure. My last relationship was long distance for three years, so I’m used to being by myself. But I’m really enjoying the me time. Maybe after the holidays I’ll get back into swing of things.”




Michael Amesquita hung out with the single mom again and had a lot of fun, but he’s feeling like it’s more of “a friend thing.” Says Michael: “She just got divorced a few months ago. I personally think she needs some time to be friends with people rather than be in a relationship.”




“We’re still seeing each other once or twice a week,” says Dana Neil about her Florida guy. “We haven’t had the ‘exclusive’ talk. It’s been nice to spend some time without having the pressure of the ‘where are we?’ conversation.”




Lucas Wall snuck out of town with his new boyfriend, Justin, for a mini-vacation.






Kate Searby remains conflicted about Republican Guy. “I feel like I should have stronger feelings,” says Kate. “I enjoy seeing him, but I don’t really think about it again until the night of. I think I should be feeling more.” Kate admits that the two new guys she’s met may have something to do with her ambivalence for Republican Guy: “All of a sudden I’ve met two guys that I do have more in common with. I have butterflies, and comparing it makes me realize it might not be there.”



And this week, Mark Drapeau says farewell to Dating Diaries. “I’ve come to realize that while I look for love, my search for a lifetime companion cannot be played out on a public stage,” says Mark.

Stay tuned. In the new year, we introduce our newest diarist.