News & Politics

The Blogger Beat: Rockstar Diaries

This week, we look at Washington with fresh eyes. Recent New York City transplant and Rockstar Diaries blogger Naomi Reid Davis takes on our city’s bests and worsts.

The lovely Naomi Reid Davis. Photograph by Chris Leaman

Naomi Reid married Josh Davis on June 19, 2007, two days after her 21st birthday. The two had met in New York City while in college—Naomi went to Juilliard to study dance while Josh attended Columbia University—and after their wedding they decided to make the Big Apple their home. Naomi started the blog Rockstar Diaries a few months later as a way to share wedding photos and post updates for family and friends in Florida and Utah. “I never intended for anyone to want to read it but a few close family members and friends,” Naomi says.

Today, her blog reaches a surprisingly robust audience of readers from the United States to Asia—everyone from high-school students to grandparents, marrieds to singles, artists to businesspeople. Naomi describes her blog as a personal journal: “It documents our lives, adventures, and the little things we love in life.” So why does she think it’s so popular? “Our focus on young love and a healthy marriage, which isn’t so ideal in today’s world,” she says.

Naomi and Josh recently made the four-hour trek south and relocated in Washington. Naomi says she’d never been to DC before they started planning the move in January. We caught up with the almost-23-year-old—her birthday’s June 17!—to find out what she and her husband love and miss about New York and what they’ve discovered about Washington in the short time they’ve lived here.

Why you moved to Washington:
“My husband, Josh, works for JPMorgan and took a new position working with the federal government, which brought us to DC. I sort of love him a lot, so I gave up New York and moved with him.”

Number of months you’ve lived here:
“We’ve lived in DC now for about two months. So far, so good!”

Neighborhood you call home:
“We live on Capitol Hill, just a few blocks from the Capitol building. We adore all the old character and charm the neighborhood has to offer. And we love living close to Eastern Market.”

One thing you miss about the Big Apple:
“New York is such a magical place. I miss so many things about that glorious city, but I mostly miss the people-watching. You can observe people anywhere and feel inspired or wonder about their lives, secrets, and stories. But there was something about the hundreds of people I’d happen upon daily in NYC. Their faces or mannerisms just stuck with me, and I think about them all the time. I think if you’re paying attention, New York will do that to you and leave you wondering the rest of your life about the beautiful or sad or unique people you’d silently and secretly greet on the subway or street each day. I loved it, and I miss that.”

One thing you were happy to leave behind:
“The garbage piled up on every street corner . . . and the smell. Seriously, I love how clean it is here! When we first visited DC in January, I was like, ‘Where is the gum all over the sidewalk?’ ”

One thing New Yorkers would be surprised to learn about Washingtonians—and vice versa:
“What New Yorkers would be surprised to learn about Washingtonians is that they have a professional baseball team. In New York, it seems like nothing in sports matters except for the Yankees. And something Washingtonians would be surprised to learn about New Yorkers is that they don’t wear flip-flops in the summer. Their feet would get black if they did!”

Your thoughts on Washington before you moved here:
“I had never been to DC until January, when Josh started thinking of taking a job here. To be honest, I wasn’t loving the idea of moving, but we came down from New York to visit the area over a weekend and I fell in love. I couldn’t believe how charming and quaint a lot of the neighborhoods were, that the majority of the museums were free, and that there were so many awesome cupcake shops. We went to Georgetown Cupcake that weekend, and I was like, ‘Okay! When can we sign the lease?’ ”

And after:

“DC has not disappointed. We moved here right as the cherry blossoms were blooming, and it was such a beautiful welcoming. We’re really looking forward to visiting all the museums and monuments this summer, too.”

Place that’s become your go-to dinner spot:
Good Stuff Eatery. It’s so close to our home, it’s dangerous! When we lived in New York, Josh and I did a hunt for the best burger (and milkshake and fries and cupcakes) in the city. We just started a new hunt for the best burger in Washington, and Good Stuff never disappoints, plus it scores extra points for being located so conveniently near our place. But so far, our absolute favorite burger was at BGR Burger Joint in Bethesda.”

Favorite date-night activity:
“I am a big fan of setting up a tent inside the apartment and camping out. What’s even better is building an inside fort out of blankets and Christmas lights and maybe roasting a few marshmallows, too.”

Best way to spend a night in:
“I don’t think there’s anything better than eating some Chinese takeout in bed while catching up on silly TV shows such as The Office or 30 Rock.”

Where we might find you on a Sunday afternoon:
“We wake up early on Sundays to attend church, so we dedicate Sunday afternoons to cooking together, snuggling, and taking long naps.”

Wedding gift that’s still in the box:
“We have a Hello Kitty toaster that’s still in the box. It’s on the top shelf of our closet. I think it was given to us as joke more than anything, but I haven’t given it away because I think it’s hilarious and hope that we can find a purpose for it someday. Right now, it would totally ruin the ‘all grown up’ look I’m trying to go for in my kitchen. On the plus side, it burns a kitty face into the side of your toast.”

What you hope your husband gets you for your birthday:
“I won’t lie: I’ve maybe made a birthday wish list or two. But all I really care about are lots of sparklers on a birthday cake or cupcake.”

Favorite local blog besides your own:
“We just discovered The Washingtonian’s Best Bites blog. Since we’re really into food, we’re very much enjoying the updates such as Cheap Eats and best Washington restaurants.”

Next week, we talk with Meg, one of the birds from 2birds1blog. She gives us her snarky take on herself and Washington—everything from her most embarrassing moment with a boy to what she finds most endearing and annoying about Washingtonians. Stay tuned!

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