News & Politics

Nominate a Washingtonian of the Year

Know someone whose work or volunteering makes the Washington area a better place to live? Help us honor them.

Once a year since 1971, we’ve recognized the people who make the Washington region
a great place to live. We’re looking for tireless volunteers, forward thinkers who
are shaping the area, and workers whose commitment to improving lives in the community
is impossible to ignore. Know someone who fits the bill? Send us an e-mail or letter—at
Washingtonians of the Year, Washingtonian, 1828 L St., NW, Suite 200, Washington,
DC 20036—by September 30, and tell us how your nominee represents the best of Washington.
Please be as specific as you can, and make sure to let us know how to reach both you
and your nominee.

Winners will be profiled in the January 2014 issue of
Washingtonian and honored at a luncheon the same month at the historic Willard InterContinental.
Questions? E-mail or call Mary Yarrison at 202-739-2449.

Find a full list of past winners here.