Things to Do

Rewind: Journopalooza

Rewind gives you the scoop on what went down the night before. Friday night, four bands of media folks battled it out at Journopalooza.

“Only in Washington” was a phrase you heard uttered more than once on Friday night at the National Press Club. The occasion? A battle of the bands—not a particularly unusual event in most cities, or DC. But how about a battle of the bands—when the bands are comprised of journalists and members of the media? That’s what you had at Journopalooza, a live concert by four Washington bands hosted to raise money for Committee to Protect Journalists.

Local groups Anchorage, Nobody’s Business, Suspicious Package, and The Surge played to a crowd of several hundred (some of whom even—gasp!—danced to the music, a rarity in DC), and in the end raised nearly $13,000 for their cause. And the winner? Well, in true diplomatic style, the judges declared all acts the winners. Is that bipartisanship or what?

Check below for our photo slideshow of the evening.

All photos by Chris Leaman.