News & Politics

Dating Diaries: The Stories Are Pouring In

As applications for our new Dating Diaries feature roll in, we thought we’d share a few of the tidbits that intrigued us, made us laugh or just say, “Awwww.” If you’re interested in sharing your dating adventures with us—or know someone who is—fill out the application and stay tuned.• “I love to cook—I hear that’s hot right now. I’m a dog-loving, marathon-running vegetarian. Basically, I am Stuff White People Like, which I also hear is hot right now. . . . So I’ll just say: Pick me! I’m change you can believe in!”

• “Since arriving in DC, I have been on two ‘real’ dates and several ‘trick’ dates where I assumed we were hanging out as friends only to find he had other intentions. The type of men who generally hit on me are found at bars, are from my dad’s age bracket who may or may not have wedding rings and use such lines as “You know what they say about older men in bed. . . .” I also had the misfortune of being propositioned to go home with a female coworker (despite that she has a boyfriend) after a night of hanging out. But I am not sure if you classify that as a date? Basically, I’ve kissed enough frogs to know how hard it is to find a prince, so if I even find a duke, I’ll be pretty pleased.”

• “I have a long history of dating men named Matt—don’t know why but there are literally almost 20 on that list.”

• “I mostly date men, although once in a pink-pink moon I’ll meet a woman who wows me and is: (1) not straight, (2) not my massage therapist, and (3) wowed back. . . . I have a reputation in my circles for being unusually flirtatious and open-minded about the people I date, but when it comes to sex and marriage, I’m picky and a bit of a prude. I’m sensual and affectionate, but haven’t had ‘sex’ with many people and not in a pitifully long time.”

• “I have always had a fantasy that I would meet the next love of my life in a bookstore or grocery store (Whole Foods, not Safeway).”

• “Last January, I was sitting in a friend’s room in Oxford, England, moping that I hadn’t seen the ocean in a while. My friend jumped up and led me to his car. We drove nearly two hours to Southampton in his little blue Peugeot, stopping for Cadbury Creme Eggs on the way. Once we got there, we sat on a bench in the freezing cold for nearly an hour, holding hands and watching ferries leave for the Isle of Wight. We didn’t even kiss.”

>>Fill out the application for our new Dating Diaries feature.