News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user Alex Barth

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has been selected by President-elect Barack Obama as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Kaine will begin his duty once his term as governor is up in 2010.

Speaking of Obama, the new president's economic recovery plan includes $300 billion in tax cuts. He'll be meeting with Congressional leaders today in an effort to build support.

Metro has gotten rid of all paper transfers. All riders must now use Smartrip cards to travel around the Metropolitan area.

School Chancellor Michelle Rhee is pushing for a new teacher development program that would help improve instructors' skills and performance.

Despite diplomatic efforts and the death of more than 500 Palestinians, Israeli troops continue to advance into Gaza.

Gossip Girl is back tonight, but the show is, well, so last year. The latest television-as-crack sensation is MTV's Hills' spin-off, The City.