News & Politics

The Tweet Beat: The Best Congressional Tweets of the Week

Healthcare, Cash for Clunkers and politeness: With the impending August recess about to give them a well-needed break, our representatives are tidying up loose ends here in Washington and in their constituencies. Pete Hoekstra has been doing something with cherry trees. John Barrow has been “weatherizing.” Orrin Hatch has been working hard on “casework,” which he professes to enjoy. And poor Claire McCaskill has been apparently hit with a deluge of complaints and protest tweets, not all of which are as polite as she is. Outside of Congress, Karl Rove has been helping to assuage the birthers, and Newt Gingrich has been Wii-ing in Wisconsin.

ChuckGrassley: Do u wonder why finance comm takin so long write health bill. I follow Ross Perot advice “Measure twice. Cut once”
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

newtgingrich: Wii bowling in stevens point wisconsin home of point beer and callista’s brother and his family; seven year old is proving tough competition
Newt Gingrich.

GovernorPerry: – On stage about to make Sean Hannity an Honorary Texan at the Freedom Concert in Houston.
Gov. Rick Perry, TX.

ChuckGrassley: Saw Glenn Beck on Fox last and got his pt abt govt and the missing airplane engine but I need explanation photograghic dishonestyWhere engin
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

clairecmc: On Sunday morning I’m praying for my few followers who are so mean & negative.It’s easier to listen & learn when people are calm &thoughtful
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

KarlRove: Re: Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate: @ObamaJustSayNo I believe this is likely a forgery.
Karl Rove.

GOPLeader: Boehner on President Obama: I’m not a doctor but I play one on TV:
Rep. John Boehner, OH.

SenJohnMcCain: Meghan did great on FOX this morning – hope she is having fun in Sturgis with all the bikers – be safe!
Sen. John McCain, AZ.

SenBillNelson: Cash for clunkers? Hard to argue with apparent success – just wish the thing applied to cars that got better gas mileage.
Sen. Bill Nelson, FL.

SenJohnMcCain: I remain strongly opposed to “Cash for Clunkers” – it’s a terrible idea!
Sen. John McCain, AZ.

repjohnbarrow: Weatherizing a home in Augusta this morning.
Rep. John Barrow, GA.

greshambarrett: Any day that includes breakfast at Sunset Restaurant and lunch at Hudson’s BBQ is a good day!
Rep. Gresham Barrett, SC.

keithellison: Go Capitol Girl! Never back down on the inherent dignity of all. Fight for human rights wherever and whenever.
Rep. Keith Ellison, MN.

JimDeMint: Shameful for President & Democrats to demean millions of Americans that simply disagree with them on government-run healthcare.
Sen. Jim DeMint, SC.

petehoekstra: Done with cherries. These guys are good and work hard. One tree bruised/injured by machine operated by Hoekstra.
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, MI.

OrrinHatch: Utahns have been bringing lots of great casework to me lately. It is always a pleasure to help.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, UT.

OrrinHatch: Not everyone likes casework, but I do. It is very rewarding work.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, UT.

keithellison: Khartoum: Walked out of 2d mtg & ran straight into Pres. Omar Bashir. He has been indicted by the Inter’l Crim. Ct. (ICC) for war crimes.
Rep. Keith Ellison, MN.

clairecmc: Looking forward to seeing everyone,all opinions at our public forums.Just hoping everyone has Missouri good manners. Rude is not persuasive.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

CongJoeWilson: Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want you to read this tweet
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC.

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