News & Politics

Capital Countdown

The month of March in numbers.

28,480—Number of campaign TV ads aired in New Hampshire in the run up to the primary, according to Nielsen.

$400,000—Amount raised per hour by Barack Obama’s campaign just after winning the South Carolina primary.

48—Amount, in millions, spent by Rudolph Giuliani in his presidential bid. He didn’t win a single delegate.

$1,500—Asking price for a ticket to join Senator Frank Lautenberg at the February 28 Bon Jovi concert at DC’s Verizon Center.

528,468—Miles traveled by Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean to reach all 50 states since he was elected in February 2005, according to U.S. News.

$227,000—Average amount the Republican National Committee raised per day in 2007.

$2.23—Amount spent by Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2007 for every dollar spent by John McCain’s campaign.

$135.50—Highest-priced public ticket for theBon Jovi concert.