News & Politics

Tweet Beat: Election Day Hangover Edition

Lawmakers pray, mourn, and rock out on their guitars in the wake of the midterm elections

The midterm elections have come and gone, giving us a Republican majority in the House, continuing Democratic control of the Senate, and a hilarious batch of Tweets in its wake. Thad McCotter’s brother has a name more obscure than “Thad,” John Shimkus thinks Babylonian king when he thinks of President Obama, and Virginia Foxx gives new meaning to the term “poison pill.”

Representative Thaddeus McCotter: @ThadMcCotter Yes, my brother Dinky jammed at the election party. No, Dinky did NOT bring my stratocaster.

I can’t figure out which is more noteworthy: That Thad McCotter has a brother named Dinky, or that Dinky didn’t bring the congressman’s now-infamous axe to his reelection party. 

Representative John Shimkus: @RepShimkus Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets, and makes known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days

Let me see if I have all of that subtext down: God, through the election, revealed the secret that Democrats would no longer be in power to President Obama, who is Nebuchadnezzar?

Representative Kevin McCarthy: @kevinomccarthy Congrats to the 60 Young Gun candidates who have won so far tonight.

Is there a new gang coming to town that I need to know about? Or, come to think of it, is it a boy band?

Senator-elect Mark Kirk: @Kirk4senate RT @RobWetterholtJr: GO Mark Kirk Go!

See Mark run. Run, Mark, run!

Representative Keith Ellison: @keithellison Don’t mourn, organize!

Yeah, Dems. Don’t mourn. Organize . . . then mourn together.

Representative Virginia Foxx: @virginiafoxx Obamacare turns toxic. @thehill reports that “Few Democrats survive healthcare vote”

Holy Hyperbole, Batman!

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