News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user mcchots

Happy hump day, Washington! With this wintry mix, it seems like the warm days we were having only a couple of weeks ago are a very, very distant memory. The snow may seem pretty now, but it's likely to change to messy rain later today. Boo. 

We've got something to keep you thinking warm thoughts, though—our roundup of Mardi Gras events and parties going on this weekend. Bonus: check back later today for a guide to Oscar screenings and parties.  

Via DCist, we see that gossip site Jossip has named Mayor Adrian Fenty one of the five currently least-annoying people in the media. Hooray? He gets the honor for "being able to host the inauguration without anyone getting killed."

The horror. In fact, we're going to capitalize that: The Horror. DC will be hosting a Snuggie Bar Crawl, location TBD. We're too terrified to even explain what this means to those of you who are lucky enough to not know what a Snuggie is. 

Marion Barry has filed his tax returns…for the year of 2007. 

Remember our in-depth article on DC's huge lead poisoning problem?  Well, the first lawsuit related to the lead levels has been filed.

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