News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user bionicteaching

Monkey meat? Monkey meat. That's what was confiscated at Dulles Airport. A passenger from Africa was found with three charred monkeys in his luggage, as well as deer meat.  

Prince of Petworth brings the exciting news that Gillian Clark, formerly of the popular Colorado Kitchen, will be opening a new restaurant in Petworth. 

Delivering mail, a dangerous job—aside from, you know, random anthrax mailings and angry dogs? Seems so. One postal work was seriously injured by a stabbing in Rockville while delivering mail. 

Fancy fancy—Metro got a new web site. We like it! 

$2 an hour for parking meters downtown? It could be a reality in DC. Officials are looking into raising the fares to increase annual revenue—by as much as $10 million. 

Check back later today for…Todd Kliman's dining chat at 11 AM; a new Listen Up playlist; a Sidewalk Style; and lots more.