
Fit Check: The Fat-Blasting Holiday Gym Workout

Work every muscle to the bone with this seriously tough calorie-burner.

Photograph via Shutterstock.

Last week we shared the 2013 No-Gym Holiday Workout. This time, we’re putting that treadmill to good use with a second fat-blasting workout provided by personal trainer Errick McAdams. Fair warning: It’s a tough one, so get ready to sweat. 

1-mile run on the treadmill. 

Round 1

15 lat pull downs (Always pull bar down in front of head and choose a weight that makes the last three reps challenging, but not impossible.)

15 pushups (from the knees if necessary)

15 bodyweight squats

45 jumping jacks

Perform three sets

Round 2

Run half mile on the treadmill at a faster pace than your mile

Do two sets of round one at 12 reps per exercise and 36 jumping jacks

Round 3 

Run a quarter mile on the treadmill at a faster pace than the half mile

Do at one set of round one at 10 reps per exercise and 30 jumping jacks

