• "The TV column in the Feb. 8 Style section incorrectly described one of the Super Bowl commercials that were scrapped. The ad featured the bare bottom of Mickey Rooney, not Andy Rooney."
• "In the April 10 edition [of the children's Mini Page] about Wind Waves, Tsunamis, and Tides, it incorrectly stated that the sun orbits Earth. The sentence should have read: 'The orbit of the moon around Earth and Earth around the sun creates forces affecting tides.' "
• "Articles on April 25 and 26 about Pope Benedict XVI said that St. Peter was the founder of the Roman Catholic Church. According to the church, Jesus was the founder."
• "A May 29 Travel article said that country music star Chet Atkins is a patron of Arnold's Country Kitchen in Nashville. Atkins frequented the restaurant before his death in 2001."
• "In some July 17 editions, a map with an article about suicide bombings misstated the year of the first suicide terrorist attack in the United States as 2003. The first such attacks were those of Sept. 11, 2001."
• In an October 21 review of a U2 performance, "the name of the band's latest album was misstated. It is 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb,' not 'How to Build an Atomic Bomb.' "
• "Because of an editing error, E.J. Dionne Jr.'s Oct. 18 column incorrectly cited which paper contained Judith Miller's account of her grand jury testimony in the CIA leak case. It was the New York Times." The article said that the account by Miller, a Times reporter, ran in the Washington Post.
Washingtonian staffers contributing to this section were Cristina Abello, Susan Baer, Susan Davidson, Ken DeCell, Rebecca Dreilinger, Kim Isaac Eisler, Mary Clare Fleury, Kimberly Forrest, Brooke Lea Foster, Garrett M. Graff, Cynthia Hacinli, Thomas Head, Todd Kliman, Ann Limpert, Chad Lorenz, Leslie Milk, Aparna Nancherla, William O'Sullivan, Cindy Rich, and Chris Wilson. Also contributing were Cathy Alter, Ann Cochran, and Matthew Graham.