The Post’s second big offer to cut its workforce by offering buyouts might be attractive enough to encourage some brand names to take the leap.
Good news for the Post’s number crunchers, but what will it cost readers? How much would you miss TV reviews by Tom Shales?
The Pulitzer Prize–winning critic is a prime candidate. He’s older than the eligible age of 54. He’s been at the Post more than 30 years, so he’d get two years’ salary. The deal would add five years in calculating pension benefits, so Shales would get full benefits, though he’s not 65. Medical insurance is shared, too.
Will Shales take the deal?
“I have to see the figures on paper,” he says.
Other name writers are talking about taking the cash: Business columnist Jerry Knight is already planning his European tour; Al Kamen, author of the well-read In the Loop column, is considering it.
If Knight leaves, who will give us the scoop on the latest local stock scam? If Kamen splits, who will nail the next high-ranking bureaucrat who orders his staff to cut expenses and then jets off to Italy on the public dole?