News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user Sam Ruaat 

Welcome back, Washington! Hope your Labor Days were fantastic and you're ready to rock September. Out on vacation last week and miss some of our posts? Catch up with our Top Blog Posts of last week.

Are you a cyclist? Then you may be interested to know that DC police are setting up bike bait in hopes of catching bicycle thieves. The result? "Last week police put two unsecured bicycles on the 600 block of H Street in northeast D.C., and in less than an hour they were stolen five times."

Last week it was all about the DNC in Denver; this week the Republicans hit Minneapolis for their convention. Things are subdued, though, with Gustav hitting New Orleans.

Having housing problems? Hopefully your situation isn't as bad as this guy's, whose roommate was taking rent checks, keeping them for himself, and never paying rent, eventually leading to everybody's eviction. Bummer.