News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user NCinDC

Happy almost-weekend, Washington! Plenty going on. Oktoberfest winds down, a noir film series is screened, haunted ghost tours take place, electro-tinged Swedish pop plays the Black Cat, and lots more in this weekend's nightlife guide.

Did you watch the final presidential debate last night? We hear that somebody named "Joe the Plumber" was mentioned with some frequency. Hmm. Anyways, according to a CNN poll, Obama prevailed.  

Metro will be creating six new express bus routes over the next three years.

The firing of a principal in Northwest DC by Michelle Rhee has raised questions about Rhee's vetting process for hiring principals.  

The City Paper is looking for the "Manliest Workplace" in DC.