News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user Kichigai Mentat

In case you live under a rock, here's some breaking news: Barack Obama was decisively elected as US president last night. The Post has the basics of the story. Where were you when you heard the news? We went down to U Street, where the scene was like nothing we'd ever seen before—the entire stretch of U blocked off by police, people streaming through the streets, cars honking wildly, strangers hugging, bands playing, people dancing, cats and dogs living together. You know, like Adams Morgan on a Saturday night. Seriously, take a look.

DC, unsurprisingly, voted 93% for Obama, but here's the real shocker—the state of Virginia went blue for the first time in decades, with Obama getting 52% and McCain garnering 47%. Mark Warner also handily won his Senate seat. 

We suppose there's other news going on today, but in DC, it's hard to see beyond the elections and analysis. Check back later today for a roundup of our favorite political articles.