With this year’s Cherry Blossom festival well under way (if you haven’t checked out our guide to the festival yet, you really should), we thought it’d be appropriate to dedicate this week’s music playlist to all things cherry—whether its trees or tulips, pies or bombs, black or sour, or, in Neil Diamond’s case, a girl with that name.
Below, you’ll find some expected gems such as Warrant’s “Cherry Pie,” Spoons’ “You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb,” and Air’s “Cherry Blossom Girl.” You’ll also find some more unusual choices, such as Eagle Eye Cherry and a song or two from Of Montreal’s Cherry Peel album. Have any suggestions? Let us know in the comments and we’ll add them to the playlist throughout the day.Sorry folks, this playlist is no longer available.
→ At a Glance: Cherry-Blossom Basics
→ Beyond Cherry Blossoms: Activities Near the Tidal Basin
→ In Bloom: Cherry Blossom Hotel Packages
→ We Want Your Cherry Blossom Photos
→ Cherry Picnicking: Spread a Blanket Under the Blossoms
→ Sake to Me: Where to Get Japan’s Favorite Drink in Washington
→ Beat the Crowds: Where Else to See Blooms Around Washington