News & Politics

The Tweet Beat: The Best Congressional Tweets of the Week

Without a Republican sex scandal it’s seemed relatively quiet in Congress this week, despite the healthcare bill, the Senate confirmation hearing for Sonia Sotomayor and the news of a CIA program deliberately kept secret for eight years. So our members have been making the most of their down time. Claire McCaskill has been watching Comedy Central and scouring the internet for stimulus scammers, Jim DeMint has been (presumably) reading the collected works of George Orwell, Sarah Palin has been reading some kind of quotations dictionary, Chellie Pingree has been eating burritos and Roy Blunt has been using Twitter to lash out against Robin Carnahan who he seems to have taken against. We don’t normally include Karl Rove in the Tweet Beat since he no longer holds a position  of power, but his update this week was too good to miss.

askgeorge: fully committed to a public health insurance option. follow health care reform – @edlabordems or @healthreformnow.
Rep. George Miller, CA.

AKGovSarahPalin: AG holds press conf today re our smooth transition as S.Parnell is handed reins to avoid Gov’s “lame duck” session-It’s best for AK progress
Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

SenBillNelson: Just left a meeting in Jax with a Coast Guard team that hunts down drug runners. These guys mean business.
Sen. Bill Nelson, FL.

SenBillNelson: stopping the deportation of people when their American spouse dies, even mothers with children who are born here.
Sen. Bill Nelson, FL.

RoyBlunt: Robin Carnahan is missing from the health care debate. Its why her special interests are attacking and taking my comments out of context.
Rep. Roy Blunt, MO.

RoyBlunt: I’m ready to discuss health care with Robin Carnahan any time, any place.
Rep. Roy Blunt, MO.

RoyBlunt: Expect to see false ads from Robin Carnahan and her allies about cutting government programs.
Rep. Roy Blunt, MO.

newtgingrich: President obamas speech in ghana was very solid and hit many of the right notes. He asserted economic growth depends on good governance
Newt Gingrich.

AKGovSarahPalin: Problem w/Professional Politicians:They’re more concerned w/holding a title in perpetuity than just accomplishing goals they promised voters
Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

ChuckGrassley: Chr Rangel wealthy 1pc make 27pc of total income pay 40pc of income tax U hv 5pc health care surTax How hi taxes go to satisfy u?Let’s talk.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

RepSteveIsrael: You deserve the truth and Dick Cheney lied. Must be held accountable.
Rep. Steve Israel, NY.

SenatorMenendez: Sitting listening to Judge Sotomayor as she makes presentation as President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. She’s an American success story.
Sen. Robert Menendez, NJ.

chelliepingree: In hearing about overuse of antibiotics in animal feed, shocking stories. Everyone should watch movie Food,inc.
Rep. Chellie Pingree, ME.

SenBillNelson: No big surprises on day one of Sotomayor hearings, a few audience members got tossed out and a couple of lawmakers threw partisan jabs.
Sen. Bill Nelson, FL.

chelliepingree: Wonderful testimony from Steve Ells,CEO of Chipotle. Over 1bl in sales from 900 fast food restaurants that sell healthy food and delicious!
Rep. Chellie Pingree, ME.

AKGovSarahPalin: Weathered out of Valdez so in Anch office to deal w/tug escort support for oil laden vessels out of port.
Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

LeonardBoswell: I had a good exchange with Chairwoman Slaughter (Rules) regarding use of antibiotics in livestock. We all want safe food. So do our farmers!
Rep. Leonard Boswell, IA.

AKGovSarahPalin: Kids:be more concerned w/your character vs reputation bc character is what you are, reputation is merely what others think you are. J Wooden
Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

AKGovSarahPalin: “Criticism is something easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing.”Aristotle Don’t fear it;it means u make a difference
Gov. Sarah Palin, AK.

KarlRove: Leaving for the airport. Everyone in my office has a Snuggie on b/c the office is cold. So weird
and creepy.
Karl Rove.

clairecmc: Scam ads are disgustng.Ads tryng to take advantage of peoples pain by promisng govt help,stimulus $ for a fee.I wanna help nail em.Seen any?

Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

boblatta: Be sure to follow @nranews and their blog for updates from the national shooting matches at Camp Perry
Rep. Bob Latta, OH.

RepShimkus: I am being shadowed by Valon Lepaja from the Central Bank of Kosovo.. Also in town to visit is Jamelle Watson-Daniels, Collinsville.
Rep. John Shimkus, IL.

JimDeMint: “Hate crimes” bill criminalizes thought. There is no such thing as a criminal thought, only criminal acts.
Sen. Jim DeMint, SC.

JimDeMint: 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection under law. “Hate crimes” would make some people more equal than others.
Sen. Jim DeMint, SC.

IRL: What a great BDay gift: a baby granddaughter born at 2pm 2day! Morgan Elizabeth and Marine mom are doing great at Bethesda Naval.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL.

CongJoeWilson: Would you please do me a favor and ask your conservative friends to follow me on Twitter?
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC.

clairecmc: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert almost always make me laugh out loud. Smart humor is the funniest kind.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

RepShimkus: Just finished opening statement It is tough to read the bill when they keep changing it and no to socialized medicine.#healthbill
Rep. John Shimkus, IL.

Schwarzenegger: Just called @ZacSunderland to congratulate him on sailing round the world. If we had action like that at the Capitol, budget would be done.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA.

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