News & Politics

Remembering Ted Kennedy

Kennedy during his 1980 presidential campaign with, from left, longtime adviser Carey Parker, Bob Shrum, and Lawrence Horowitz. Photograph of Kennedy with staffers by Ken Regan

Ted Kennedy passed away late Tuesday at the age of 77. Here's an October 2008 piece we wrote on what would be his lasting legacy:

In a 1979 photo by Time’s Diana Walker, Ted Kennedy and Strom Thurmond lock horns at a Senate Judiciary Committee session. A young Kennedy aide slips into the frame, just over his boss’s shoulder. The caption doesn’t identify the aide, but it’s 41-year-old Stephen Breyer, 15 years before his appointment to the Supreme Court.

Among the legions who’ve worked for Kennedy during his 46 years in the Senate, dozens like Breyer are near the top of Washington’s hierarchy of power. This network of former aides, which reaches nearly every field, is Kennedy’s legacy to Washington.

>> Read the full piece here