News & Politics

The Tweet Beat: The Best Congressional Tweets of the Week

Interns, soccer, and astronomy round this week in congressional tweets

It’s been a big week in Washington. First, there was the tell-all Rolling Stone piece about General Stanley McChrystal, who got the sack after poking fun at the Obama administration on the record. Congressional Democrats and the White House hammered out details of a major Wall Street-reform bill—but only after more than 20 hours of continuous negotiations. And the Senate overwhelmingly passed Iran-sanctions legislation.

But in the Congressional Twitterverse, members seemed most excited about soccer. Plus, John McCain gets fratty, members welcome interns, Gabrielle Giffords is star-struck, Jared Polis tries to get a date, John Shimkus is snarky about sweaters, and Darrell Issa complains about hangovers. Finally, some members get creative when talking about the national debt. Here are the best Tweets of the week:

jaredpolis woohoo!Sarah Silvernman endrsed my Healthy School Meals Act!Does that = I get to hang out w her? #sarahsilverman
Rep. Jared Polis, Colorado

I uploaded a YouTube video—Ileana welcomes yet another group of summer interns (Part V)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida

RepGaramendi Gooooooooooooood job Team USA at World Cup today
Rep. John Garamendi, California

The three amigos together again. . .
Senator John McCain, Arizona

RepShimkus Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions. Sounds like Pres Carter and his sweater.
Rep. John Shimkus, Illinois

VernBuchanan Think Wimbledon tickets are expensive? Our National Debt has gone up by $1,729,000,000 during the Isner v. Mahut match
Rep. Vern Buchanan, Florida

clairecmc YAHOOOO!! USA USA USA!!
Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri

Rep_Giffords A Star is Born! UA Professor on the edge of star research—Who knew that space dust could do so much?
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona

RandyNeugebauer What could our national debt of $13 trillion buy? iPhones for the world? 4 years at Yale for 68 million students?
Rep. Randy Neugebauer, Texas

DarrellIssa Have you ever had a hangover for #3months? VIDEO: Because that’s how long its been since ObamaCare passed.
Rep. Darrell Issa, California

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