News & Politics

DC Ranked Sixth Most “Caffeinated” City

When Bundle crunched the numbers, Washington spent the sixth most amount of money on coffee

Chinatown Coffee serves up some artful lattes in Washington. Photograph by Keith Lane

Not ready to focus until you’ve had that cup of joe? You’re not alone in this city. Bundle, a site that helps its users track spending, crunched some anonymous credit card data and the number of coffee shops in various cities to determine how residents spend on their daily fix of caffeine. (You can read more about the author’s methodology here.)

While Chicago is the most dependant on coffee, with its spending coming in at 2.94 times the national average, the Washington metro area comes in at number six, spending 1.86 times the national average. There are also a whole lot of coffee shops here; this city has at least one Starbucks for every 10,000 people who live in Washington.

You don’t have to settle for Starbucks, though. Check out our list of best coffee shops in the city from our July issue.