Here’s a To-Do List for Seniors Approaching or Going Through Retirement


See a financial planner to make sure retirement goals are on track. Create a spending and savings plan.

Talk to an elder law attorney about estate planning documents, including wills, medical directives, power of attorney, and revocable living trust.


Visit your primary care physician annually for age-related health screens and blood tests.

See a dentist or periodontist regularly for checkups and for any pain, denture fittings, dry mouth, and sleep apnea.

Take a baseline hearing exam.

Visit an opthamologist for glaucoma, cataract, and dry-eye screens.

Fitness and wellness

See a physiatrist to determine what’s causing any body pain.

Have a physical therapist work out an exercise plan to strengthen muscles and help prevent falls.

Try a new activity that blends movement and mindfulness, such as t’ai chi, yoga, or walking.

Find a group to partake in activities together for motivation and camaraderie.


Have a talk with your adult children and loved ones about finances, care, living situation, and other wishes.

Call a family therapist to serve as a third party if needed.

Learn what resources are available, including senior living communities and in-home nursing assistance.