News & Politics

DC-Area Schools Closed for a Little Snow, and People Are Flipping Out

A lot of school systems in the DC area closed because of the snow that fell last night. You know what that means: Lots of angry tweets from people confronting the undeniable inconvenience of their kids staying home–or just shaking their heads in disbelief.

Here’s the thing, though: These decisions actually make a lot of sense. None of the school systems in this area exist in a vacuum. They draw teachers from all over (there are a lot of neighborhoods in this region that have great schools and aren’t exactly affordable), and snow is cleared unevenly in this region.

So if your kid’s teacher lives in Loudoun, there’s every chance he’s going to have a tough time getting into work today. High schools also have to consider the number of inexperienced kids who drive to school.

Do you remember the 2011 snow that turned into a nightmare commute? I guarantee you, your school system does. No one wants a lawsuit.

The City of Alexandria, for instance, budgets to remove 15 inches of snow per year. If this region got as much snow as [INSERT NAME OF COLD PLACE YOU USED TO LIVE], systems would probably handle things differently.

I’m not downplaying the hardships of finding out you have to miss work or work from home today. It’s frustrating and damned inconvenient. But you might as well make the best of it (and if venting on social media helps, by all means go for it). Alternately, here are some ideas for things to do with your kids on a snow day.

A couple more ideas: Today’s a perfect time to figure out what to do with that Instant Pot you got for Christmas. Or call an early happy hour with some of your friends. Here’s a recipe for a delicious snow cocktail. Beer o’clock comes early today!

In an area filled with Type As, it’s good for our collective soul to be reminded there are events beyond our control. Try to take inspiration from this Alexandria principal. Snow days can be magical.

Senior editor

Andrew Beaujon joined Washingtonian in late 2014. He was previously with the Poynter Institute,, and Washington City Paper. He lives in Del Ray.