It’s no surprise that DC’s museums attract all kinds of visitors. Some are there for the exhibits, others just need directions, and once in a while they want to know…if they can bring their pet donkey inside?
We asked the museum guides, volunteers, and museum press teams from some of the city’s best-known institutions about the silliest, strangest, and most surprising questions they’ve heard, from visitors and Washingtonians alike.
”Are there any paintings here that show male genitalia?” (National Gallery of Art)
”Can I bring my pet donkey in here?” (National Air and Space Museum)
“Did Daniel Craig sweat in that chair?!” -Woman at the James Bond exhibit (International Spy Museum)
”Are you sure the moon landing was real?” (Air and Space Museum)
”Is the Mona Lisa here?” (National Gallery)
”Where can I find the Smithsonian museum? They say it’s on the National Mall.” (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden)
”Where’s the anti-gravity chamber?” (Air and Space Museum)
”Where’s the National Mall? I want to go shopping.” (Air and Space Museum)
”Are you sure this is an art museum?” (Hirshhorn)
”Where’s the art?” (Hirshhorn)