Will Donald Trump face impeachment proceedings? We have no idea. But if he does, you could be seeing a whole lot of these experts on the presidential removal process:
1. Akhil Reed Amar
The classic book on the subject is Impeachment: A Handbook. Unfortunately, its author, Charles L. Black Jr., died in 2001. Fortunately, Yale prof Amar wrote the foreword for a 1998 reissue—and is a leading constitutional-law expert himself.
2. Yoni Appelbaum
His recent cover story in the Atlantic is a long, carefully considered, historically informed argument in favor of impeaching Trump.
3. Susan Low Bloch
During the Bill Clinton proceedings, this Georgetown Law prof testified before the House Judiciary Committee about how to define impeachable offenses.
4. Timothy Naftali
The NYU professor cowrote the 2018 book Impeachment: An American History. He also was the first director of the Richard Nixon library, where he oversaw a Watergate exhibit and spearheaded the release of Nixon tapes.
5. Brenda Wineapple
In her upcoming book, The Impeachers, the historian and Columbia professor dives deep into Andrew Johnson, the first President to be impeached.
This article appears in the March 2019 issue of Washingtonian.