About Guest List
Guest List is Washingtonian’s fantasy cast of who we’d like to invite over for dinner each month.
A monthly roundup of people we’d like to have over for drinks, food, and conversation—plus one person we definitely would not.
Yuhuang Wang
The University of Maryland prof’s lab is behind a specially engineered “secondary skin” fabric that keeps you warm in cold weather and cool in the heat.
Lauren Crawford Shaver
A former Hillary Clinton campaign official, she now runs an operation to fight “Medicare for all” efforts.
Ken Cummins
The legendary DC politics reporter—whose day job is as a PI—has a private-eye-themed podcast called Ask the Investigator.
Ibram X. Kendi
His Antiracist Research & Policy Center at AU recently concluded its yearlong FD200 initiative, honoring people who embody Frederick Douglass’s legacy.
Princess Reema
As Saudi Arabia’s first female ambassador to the US, she’ll grapple with the backlash that followed the slaying of Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.
Half of a popular DC bald-eagle couple, he ditched the nest he shared with his partner, Liberty. A month later, he came back, but the pair’s eggs didn’t survive.
Credits: Photograph of Kendi by Greg Doherty/Getty. Photograph of Princess Reema by Brad Barket/Getty.
This article appears in the April 2019 issue of Washingtonian.