News & Politics

Here’s What Phase 2 of Reopening Will Look Like in DC

If current trends continue, Phase 2 could begin as early as Monday, June 22

Coronavirus 2020

About Coronavirus 2020

Washingtonian is keeping you up to date on the coronavirus around DC.

In a press conference today, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the District could begin Phase 2 of reopening on Monday if current trends continue.

DC is currently one day away from hitting the necessary 14 days of sustained case decline, and still hasn’t met the necessary contact tracing criteria. DC Department of Health Director LaQuandra Nesbitt said she expects that tracing ability to improve markedly over the next few days.

Here’s what DC’s Phase 2 of reopening will look like.

Mass Gatherings: Gatherings of up to 50 people will be allowed. Individuals are still encouraged to follow current social distancing guidelines and wear a mask in public.

Restaurants: Restaurants can begin serving patrons indoors, as long as they don’t exceed 50% capacity. Patrons must be seated in order to be served.

Parks: Playgrounds and fields will reopen and some casual contact sports will be permitted. League sports are still prohibited. DPR pools will reopen for structured activities like lap swimming and swim lessons.

Gyms: Gyms and health clubs, and yoga, dance, and workout studios can reopen with a capacity of 5 people per 1000 feet. Classes must ensure that individuals can keep 10 feet apart. Apartment gyms can reopen with similar precautions; apartment pools can open to residents only with social distancing measures in place.

Businesses: Non-essential retail businesses can have customers inside, as long as they don’t exceed 50% capacity. Libraries will be open to the public, as long as they don’t exceed 50% capacity. Tattoo parlors, spas, and tanning, waxing, facial, and nail salons can reopen as long as they follow certain safety procedures.

Arts: Theaters, cinemas, and entertainment venues will remain closed. These establishments can submit waivers to present certain cultural events.

Museums: Museums can reopen with capacity limits and social distancing measures in place. Small events of up to 50 people are allowed with social distancing. Guided tours and tour groups are not allowed.

Travel: Non-essential travel out of the National Capital region is discouraged. Non-essential ride sharing can resume.

Schools: Schools may reopen, but must conduct daily health screenings for all individuals and can have no more than 12 individuals in one class. Large gatherings are not permitted, any mingling outside the classroom is discouraged, and individuals must keep 6 feet apart. All adults are required to wear masks while at school; children are highly encouraged to do so as well. Colleges and universities can reopen once they’ve submitted a plan for reopening.

Camps: Camps can reopen with no more than 10 people per cohort, and must follow social distancing guidelines.

Places of Worship: Places of worship can have gatherings of up to 100 people or 50% capacity, whichever is less. Choirs and singing are discouraged.

More information about Phase 2 of reopening can be found at

Jane Recker
Assistant Editor

Jane is a Chicago transplant who now calls Cleveland Park her home. Before joining Washingtonian, she wrote for Smithsonian Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times. She is a graduate of Northwestern University, where she studied journalism and opera.