Maral Kibarian Skelsey
5530 Wisconsin Ave Suite 820
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815-4300

Industry Leader in

Mohs Surgery

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Mohs: It is easy to mistake for an acronym. In fact, it is a pioneering technique developed by Frederick Mohs, MD, a legendary surgeon at the University of Wisconsin. It is meticulous, sophisticated and highly effective, and what I witnessed of it during my residency inspired me to further train in one of the few Mohs fellowships in existence at that time.

Mohs micrographic surgery is the most effective way to treat the most common skin cancers, with a cure rate above 98%. It maximizes the chances of removing all the abnormal cells while preserving as much normal skin as possible. It is the gold standard for skin cancer surgery.

The surge in post-pandemic skin cancer continues. To be of greater service, I’ve expanded my surgery center in Chevy Chase and surrounded myself with an esteemed group of the finest dermatologic practitioners, for all medical and cosmetic needs. It would be an honor for us to take care of you. It is my privilege to be the Face of Mohs in Washington, DC.

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