6849 Old Dominion Dr Suite 400
McLean, Virginia 22101-3705


McLean, Georgetown, Bethesda

Combining unrivaled local insight, creative vision, and the compassionate drive to make a difference in the lives of her clients, Hala knows that buying or selling is a transformative life milestone. One that’s often defined by numerous complexities and challenges. Hala is known for helping clients navigate every potential roadblock to make their dreams a reality. Whether she’s guiding out of area buyers or seasoned sellers, Hala is a dedicated advocate for every client, always putting their best interests first. The results she’s achieved are proof of her success – it’s no surprise that her business is 90% repeat and referral-based, or that she’s built a reputation as one of the most reliable, devoted Realtors around.

As an associate broker with almost 30 years’ experience, Hala offers extensive insight into the entire DMV area—from the manicured sidewalks of McLean to the bustling streets of DC, and the scenic pathways of Bethesda.