News & Politics

He’s Got Style: Brett Hale

10 men who like fine clothing and know what looks good on them talk about where they shop, labels they love, fashion tips, and what they splurge on—including one man’s 3,000 ties.

Photograph by Ron Aira.

Brett Hale, 37
Vice president for government affairs, American Gaming Association

How would you describe your style?

I buy quality things that are conservative enough to wear in DC but aren’t out of place in Las Vegas.

Who are your favorite designers?

John Varvatos suits, Hartford shirts, and James Perse casualwear.

What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found?

My first two suits, which were purchased the week before I moved to Washington for an internship. They got a lot of wear before they were put out to pasture.

Is there a type of item you splurge on?

I have an absurd number of shoes. Most are from a cool, up-and-coming London-based company called Harrys of London. I wear them with everything.

Any fashion disasters in your past?

My mullet in high school.

Favorite thing in your closet?

A pair of custom-made Harrys of London golf shoes.
