News & Politics

The Guest List: April

A monthly roundup of the eight people we'd most like to have over for drinks, good food, and conversation.

Dr. Richard Tubb The White House physician, never far from the President’s side, has been in the news for treating sick reporters like Maureen Dowd, who got stomach flu in the Middle East.

Donna Edwards —Her upset of Representative Al Wynn in the Democratic primary in the Maryland suburbs got the attention of incumbents across the country.

Mark Kuller The man behind the hip Gallery Place wine bar Proof is also the man you want around in April—by day he’s a tax attorney.

Teresa Chambers —The US Park Police chief, fired in 2004 after blowing the whistle on her department’s underfunding, is proved right four years later as a scathing new report finds deficiencies across the department.

Tammy Haddad —The DC power broker is everywhere, from the Miss America contest to new online television ventures with XM and National Journal.

Victor MacFarlane —The developer and owner of DC United is in the middle of a battle with the city over a soccer stadium at Poplar Point.

Patrick Dorton —The PR man Roger Clemens turned to for two weeks of prep work before facing Congress, Dorton has some tales to tell.

Colonel Laura Richardson —The Iraq veteran and first female commander of Fort Myer, she has an interesting perch from which to observe the military’s role here.