News & Politics

Inauguration Aggregation

Welcome to your daily dose of inauguration news! Every day until January 20, we'll round up the headlines for a list of must-reads on all-things inauguration.

Photo by Flickr user dbking 

The Wall Street Journal rounds up some of the celebs slated to be in town for the inauguration. Everyone from Oprah to Melissa Etheridge will be on hand to celebrate. 

The Obama transition team told reporters yesterday that Desirée Rogers, a Chicago businesswoman and Harvard grad, will be the first African-American social secretary in the White House. Rogers, 49, was a major fundraiser for Obama and a friend of Michelle. 

Lawmakers are working with Obama's transition team on a $700 billion economic stimulus bill that the new president could sign on inauguration day. If passed, it would be the biggest program designed to kick-start the economy since the New Deal.  

With lots of Washingtonians renting their homes and apartments to out-of-towners during the inauguration, Mayor Fenty has temporarily suspended rules that require require residents to have basic business licenses to orchestrate short-term rentals. 

>> All Inauguration 2009 coverage 

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