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Tweet Beat

The best Congressional tweets of the week.

Happy Friday, twits! The sun is out, the weekend is almost here and . . . a vast, never-ending tidal wave of crude oil is threatening to destroy all the fish, turtles, and birds off the coast of Louisiana. Some people (Rush Limbaugh) might say that this is God’s retribution for healthcare or for Stormy Daniels daring to challenge David Vitter in the Senate race. Some other people (Frank Pallone, Jr.) might say it’s his way of warning us that offshore drilling isn’t the best idea. We’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions. And hope there’s enough Dawn in the world to wash off all those poor baby dolphins.

In other news, the GOP New Media Challenge continues, and Tweet Beat favorite Jason Chaffetz isn’t seeded! Could it be all those burgers? Or the fact that he’d rather legislate for DC than his own constituency back in Utah? Claire McCaskill would like to clarify that she used bad language by obligation not by choice, Mike Coffman offers his analysis of Date Night, Bob Goodlatte embraces show business, and John McCain makes a joke. Almost.

ThadMcCotter For Dems, Health care was never about costs. It was about coverage and control:
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, MI.

zachwamp While my opponent runs unethical,negative push polling w/thousands of untrue phone calls, I attended Worlds Largest Fish Fry in Paris,Tn !
Rep. Zach Wamp, TN.

ChuckGrassley Watching training for the world’s largest Hockey-Pockey.
Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA.

RobWittman I went turkey hunting this morning and called in 4 Jakes (young male turkeys) and 4 hens. Did not harvest a bird just watched and enjoyed
Rep. Rob Wittman, VA.

RobWittman There’s only 27 more mins in the first round of the GOP New Media Caucus Challenge! Please suggest that others follow me & help me advance!
Rep. Rob Wittman, VA.

VernBuchanan Why Washington Is Broken: $300,000 Of Taxpayer Dollars Spent On Alcohol: Article:
Rep. Vern Buchanan, FL.

My mom(81) and her brother (80) both live with us. Nice spring evening on the screened porch listening to BigBand 40’s music with them.Love.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

FrankPallone Cleaned up beach at Pier Village w/ local school students. Most common item I found was cigarette butts.
Rep. Frank Pallone, NJ.

bobinglis Can’t wait to tell Mary Anne that Mrs. Collins & her home health nurse say that I look younger than they thought (& that I have nice ears).
Rep. Bob Inglis, SC.

RepMikeCoffman My wife and I saw “”Date Night”” with Steve Carell & Tina Fey last weekend. My commentary:
Rep. Mike Coffman, CO.

SenSherrodBrown Heading to DC to vote for cloture to allow us to debate Wall Street Reform. Need at least one R so we can get to work–Sherrod
Sen. Sherrod Brown, OH.

SenGillibrand @TheRevAl Thank you for your leadership against the abhorrent AZ immigration law. I agree, we must pass comp immigration reform!
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, NY.

senatorsanders I am disappointed but not surprised that not a single Senate Republican voted to allow us to proceed to consideration of Wall Street reform
Sen. Bernie Sanders, VT.

kevinomccarthy Flew back to DC today. To state the obvious–this place needs more common sense & adult supervision. Plz rt if you agree!
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, CA.

RepGoodlatte In “The Play is the Thing” for Will on the Hill, a fundraiser for the Shakespeare Theatre Company in DC. I played a Senator!? Forgive me!
Rep. Bob Goodlatte, VA.

ThadMcCotter New health study: smoking, drinking, inactivity and poor diet shorten lives by 12 years–except in U.S. Senate
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, MI.

CongJeffMiller I’m not an economist, but I see no evidence of the stimulus helping. #tcot
Rep. Jeff Miller, FL.

jaredpolis Wow, I’m famous @hmcwilliams reports RT @jaredpolis Just heard Glenn Beck go after you for your Arizona immigration comments.
Rep. Jared Polis, CO.

cathymcmorris Top 8 Seeds in the #GOPNMC: @RepFleming @RepTomPrice @WMRepublicans @RepHensarling @RepLynnJenkins @DarrellIssa @TomRooney @MicheleBachmann
Rep. Cathy McMorris, Rodgers, WA.

clairecmc Just so Mom and Missourians know, my use of bad word in hearing today was only quoting Goldman’s language in one of their internal emails.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, MO.

FrankPallone Drilling hearing in NJ today–The Gulf Coast oil spill is the size of Rhode Island and is making its way to the shores of three states.
Rep. Frank Pallone, NJ.

RepGusBilirakis This afternoon I voted to block Congress from getting an automatic pay raise. . .don’t tell my wife.
Rep. Gus Bilirakis, FL.

SenJohnMcCain Presenting an award to #
Bono tonight–hopefully he won’t feel like he’s stuck in a moment he can’t get out of. . . support the @ONECampaign
Sen. John McCain, AZ.

MaryFallin RT @AZgrassroots: Mary Fallin heart$ Brad Henry // not accurate. pls see this link:
Rep. Mary Fallin, OK.

FrankPallone Drill baby drill changs are silent as #oilspill leaks into gulf & BP is unable to contain–this is the high cost of #offshoredrilling.

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