News & Politics

Either/Or: Laurent Tourondel of BLT Steak

The Manhattan chef is opening a DC steakhouse. But first, he takes our Either/Or questionnaire.

Does DC need another steakhouse? French-born chef Laurent Tourondel thinks so. This fall he’s bringing a replica of BLT Steak, his airy Manhattan bistro with its foie-gras-and-Kobe sandwiches and thyme-strewn hanger steaks, to 1625 I Street in downtown DC. He recently submitted to our Either/Or questionnaire.

Hamburgers or wings?

Wings, definitely. I love chicken wings. I can’t say where my favorite are from. Okay—Hooters.

Kobe beef or Angus?

Angus. It’s better flavor.

Chocolate cake or crème brûlée?

Chocolate cake. I hate crème brûlée.

Vodka martinis or gin martinis?

Gin martini, made with Sapphire and with a twist. I don’t drink, but I used to.

Loire Valley or Napa Valley?

Ooph. Both are good.

Fiji or Voss?

Fiji, definitely. Voss is just cheesy.

Vespa or Yellow Cab?

Vespa. I have a 1958 Lambretta model.

Rachael Ray or Martha Stewart?

Rachael Ray, because Martha Stewart refused to do the forward for my book.

Jenna or Barbara Bush?

Which one should I pick? The party girl.

The Sopranos or The West Wing?

West Wing — I like politics.

Walkman or iPod?

IPod. I have a lot of older 1970s music, like the Rolling Stones and the Bee Gees.

Knicks or Wizards?

What’s the Wizards?

Ann Limpert
Executive Food Editor/Critic

Ann Limpert joined Washingtonian in late 2003. She was previously an editorial assistant at Entertainment Weekly and a cook in New York restaurant kitchens, and she is a graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education. She lives in Petworth.