
The Year’s Best Food Hacks, "Bong Appetit," and City-Inspired Burgers: Eating & Reading

The ten tastiest articles we're reading this week.

Photograph by Jeff Elkins

A Harvard Business School professor goes to war with a family-run Chinese restaurant over $4 worth of food. [] And the sick part is: this isn’t the first time [Grub Street] —Anna Spiegel

The 2014 Hater’s Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog. “Yes, a hot chocolate pot. Because a fondue pot wasn’t useless enough.” [Deadspin] —AS

Vice launches “Bong Appetit,” a series of videos showing a “cannabis-fueled culinary journey.” Surprisingly, the first episode focuses not on that guy in your building but on a 91-year-old grandmother. [Vice] —AS

The next “it” fat, according to the Grey Lady. A hint: It’s not bacon or duck, and the “younger audience” loves it. [New York Times] —AS

‘Tis the season for end-of-year roundups. Here are Lifehacker’s best “food hacks” of 2014. [Lifehacker] —Michael Gaynor

Huh, who would’ve thought flying a drone in TGI Friday’s was a bad idea? [Engadget] —MG

Ten insanely delicious-looking burgers inspired by ten cities: DC’s not one of them, but ours would probably have Mumbo sauce and cost $19. [Gizmodo] —MG

For that very special ex/coworker/loud neighbor on your naughty list this year: these delicious-looking treats from Bold Bakery that say exactly what you want to but really shouldn’t over e-mail. [Huffington Post] —Tanya Pai

This Week in Millennial Food Trends: In a frenzied attempt to recapture younger customers, McDonald’s is rolling out touchscreen systems that allow one to order customized burgers featuring decidedly un-McDonald’s elements like jalapeños, garlic sauce, and ciabatta rolls. You know those millennials and their ciabatta rolls. [USA Today] —Benjamin Freed

The Franchise Wars are heating up! Taco Bell plans to open 1,300 international locations by the end of 2023, just in time for when Sergeant John Spartan wakes up. [Bloomberg Businessweek] —BF