
Loud Restaurants, Banned Words, and Olympic Diets: Eating & Reading

Every week, we’ll let you know what the “Washingtonian” food staff is reading in the blogosphere and off the bookshelves.

Bon Appetit's blog addresses that age-old question: Why do men leave their coffee cups everywhere? Photograph courtesy of Shutterstock.

Ann Limpert, food and wine editor

• Food writing is ripe territory for words ranging from clichéd (“cooked to perfection”)
to porn-y (“luscious”. . . or “flaccid”). For some of the worst offenders, check out
Grub Street’s list of banned food words. I’ll throw in a few more: “piping hot,” “succulent,”
and anything containing the word “drool.” But “pillowy” and “decadent”? Guilty.
Stick a Fork in ’Em: Which Food-Writing Clichés Should We Toss Out Forever?

• In the wake of the Chick-fil-A/gay marriage flap,
On Top magazine imagines what other fast food company CEOs would say about the matter. (“You
know our restaurant’s called Five Guys, right?”)
Parody: Ronald McDonald Says Gay Marriage is Kind of Tame

Tanya Pai, deputy managing editor

• HuffPo rounds up the superheroes you wouldn’t want as fine-dining companions. But for a backyard kebab party? Wolverine’s your guy. 8 Superheroes You Wouldn’t Want to Eat With

• The New York Times looks at the harm of frequenting bars and restaurants that practice what I like to call the Abercrombie & Fitch strategy: playing music so loud you can’t hear yourself think. Working or Playing Indoors, New Yorkers Face an Unabated Roar

• And NPR answers the question we’ll all be secretly asking ourselves as we suck down chicken wings and beers while watching Friday’s opening ceremonies. How Many Calories Do Olympic Athletes Need? It Depends

Jessica Voelker, online dining editor

• From Travel & Leisure, a list of “coolest new diners,” including—as Eater points out—a few that only exist in the future. Are These America’s Coolest New Diners?

• “Their math is way off base.” Andrew Zimmern slams the listicle methodology at Forbes, which recently rounded up the richest chefs—apparently erroneously. Let’s Catch Up 

• The Bon Appetit blog addresses a burning issue: men leaving their coffee cups every dang place. Does Your Husband Leave His Coffee Cup in the Shower Too?

Ann Limpert
Executive Food Editor/Critic

Ann Limpert joined Washingtonian in late 2003. She was previously an editorial assistant at Entertainment Weekly and a cook in New York restaurant kitchens, and she is a graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education. She lives in Petworth.