
Rasika Lawsuit, Gross Food Names, Hitler’s Food Taster: Eating & Reading

A tasty roundup of the best stuff we’re reading this week.

Rasika West End is involved in a lawsuit with its former executive chef. Photograph by Jeff Martin.

Ripped From the Headlines

Legal Times reports that in a recently filed lawsuit, Rasika West End claims its former executive chef exploited the restaurant’s name and “confidential business secrets” for his own gain. Yes, those secrets do include the palak chaat recipe, this City Paper follow-up reveals. [Legal Times] —Marisa Kashino

Diets of Dictators

This feature about the man who served 11 years as Kim Jong-il’s personal sushi chef is utterly bananas and compulsively readable. [GQ] —Tanya Pai

Tom Sietsema might have terrible dinners on the reg, but he could have had it worse: Hitler’s 96-year-old official food taster told Reuters she feared each meal would be her last. Also, the worst man in history was apparently a vegetarian. [Yahoo] —Sophie Gilbert

Study This

A new study says the color, weight, and size of eating utensils can alter perceptions of how food tastes. [Time] —MK

Liquid Culture

Funny writer Will Gordon ranks cheap beers for Deadspin just in time for the Fourth. [Deadspin] —Jessica Voelker

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. NO. [NYT] —JV

The Scary Stuff

File under “shameful things”: HuffPo reports that DC has the highest rate of “food insecurity” among children in the nation—and now that school’s out, many are suffering without their daily free lunch. [Huffington Post] —TP

If everyone keeps having babies, we’re all going to starve to death. So there’s that. [WaPo] —SG

Feast for the Eyes

This New York Times guide to all things pie is the prettiest page on the internet right now. [NYT] —SG

The Silly Stuff

I wonder whether this particular scenario is detailed in the Edible Arrangements employee manual. [McSweeney’s] —TP

Fat Files

I am Long John Silver, King of Kings, Look on My Work, Ye Mighty, and Despair (for America’s obesity crisis). [NPR] —SG

Mmm . . . Barfy!

No list of gross food names these days would be complete without a Paula Deen reference. [Mashable] —Chris Campbell

“Sonker” isn’t the most appetizing name, either. But yes, I’d like a bite of that. [NYT]

Culinary Cruelties

Vegans, why so mean? [Eater] —SG

Snacks and Sports

I care not for the fare at Nats Stadium, but feel free to unleash your DC pride and vote for them in this contest for best MLB stadium food. [USA Today] —CC

If Dwight Howard leaves the Lakers for the Mavericks, he gets a lifetime supply of free chicken fingers. Hopefully he can negotiate for biscuits and honey mustard, too. [USA Today] —MK

Damn, Kid

If you want to feel bad about yourself, check out these introductions of the teenage contenders in the upcoming Junior MasterChefs show. [Grub Street] —TP