News & Politics

Stephen Colbert Unveils His Wax Figure at Madame Tussauds Friday Morning

Seems like a good excuse to play hooky from work.

The clay head used to make Stephen Colber’s wax figure. Photograph courtesy of Madame Tussauds.

This is one of those events we’re astounded it hasn’t happened some time ago: turning

Stephen Colbert into a wax figure. After all, the hook of his wry humor is the waxy way he interprets
the news anchor role on his Comedy Central program,
The Colbert Report. This Friday, November 15, he will be in Washington to unveil his wax self at the
franchise tourist attraction, Madame Tussauds Washington DC. The time is 11:30 AM;
the location is the corner of Tenth and F streets.

According to a press release, Colbert actively worked with the Tussauds studio artists
as they designed their version of him. The process involves more than 250 photos and
measurements. Colbert donated a suit, a tie, a shirt, cufflinks, socks, shoes, and
a lapel pin. As to whether it’s boxers or briefs under all that, we can only guess.