News & Politics

The Morning Buzz

Good morning, Washington! Here's what we're reading around the web this AM.

Photo by Flickr user Mike McCaffrey

Did you know it's Mushroom Month? (September seems to be the month for lots of random activities—it's also Yoga Month and National Food Safety Month, amongst others.) Anyways, Metrocurean has a rundown of ways you can celebrate mushrooms.

There's a big old party taking place this Sunday in front of Bloomingdale's Big Bear Cafe—a Haitian boys' choir will be singing, the farmers' market will be going on, and they're holding a pig roast for all. 

A suspicious backpack left under a Metro train shut down the Blue and Orange lines this morning and caused hours of delays. Police cleared the backpack. 

PQ Living has a sneak peek inside the new Safeway at 5th and L.