
The Butt-Shaping Elliptical Workout with Hills

Personal trainer Elizabeth Brooks is back with another elliptical workout that will strengthen your hamstrings and glutes in no time.

A couple of weeks ago we featured this elliptical workout to get your heart racing.
We’re back this week with another workout for the elliptical by personal trainer
Elizabeth Brooks. “I love this workout because it’s super intense for when you don’t have a lot of
time, and it’s great for hamstring and glute training,” she says.

The Workout

1) Select one of the hill programs that are pre-programmed into the elliptical machine.
The program will randomize the incline on the elliptical, and you will manipulate
the resistance and RPMs (revolutions per minute).

2) Determine how much time you have to spend on your cardio workout that day and input
that time frame.*

3) When you are ready to start, try the following resistance pattern and keep your
RPMs between 130 and 140 RPM.


Hill 1: Level 8 resistance

Hill 2: Level 9

Hill 3: Level 8

Hill 4: Level 9

Hill 5: Level 10

Hill 6: Level 8

Hill 7: Level 9

Hill 8: Level 10

Hill 9: Level 11


4) Take a water break every 10 minutes, drinking at least 6 ounces of water each time.

*If you have 30 minutes, each of your hills will be about 2 minutes long and you will
maintain a speed of 130 RPMs for that entire hill. Brooks says you can start at a
lower level and build the same pattern.