• “The Jan. 22 Mini Page about the Winter Olympics in Italy contained the following errors: It indicated that all European Union countries use the euro. Only 12 E.U. countries . . . use the euro; the others have national currencies. It said Florence is in southern Italy; the city is in northern Italy. And it said the Basilica of St. Peter is the largest church in the world; the largest is the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast.”
• “A recipe in the Feb. 8 Food section included an incorrect cooking time for an adaptation of chef Roberto Donna’s recipe for carbonada (braised beef with onions and red wine). The dish should be cooked for 2½ hours, not 10 to 20 minutes.”
• “A March 21 Metro article about former Maryland governor Marvin Mandel incorrectly described a portrait he donated to Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. . . . Mandel said the portrait was completed in 1977 and hung in his house, not his garage, before being donated last fall.”
• “A May 12 KidsPost article incorrectly identified cartoon spies Boris and Natasha as Russian. They were from fictional Pottsylvania.”
• “As a result of an editing error, Robert J. Samuelson’s May 17 column incorrectly referred to penalizing employers who hire legal immigrants, rather than illegal immigrants.”
• “A July 11 Style concert review misstated the title of a song by the group Camera Obscura. The title is ‘Lloyd, I’m Ready to Be Heartbroken,’ not ‘Lloyd, Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken?’ ”
• “The Sept. 20 Washington Sketch, about a news conference held by former secretary of state James A. Baker III and former congressman Lee H. Hamilton, said that Baker was bothered by the questioning and whispered ‘malicious’ to Hamilton, unaware that he could be heard on the audio feed. Baker says the word he spoke was ‘militias.’ ”
• “A Sept. 22 Sports article incorrectly said that Bethesda–Chevy Chase quarterback Melvin Harris threw a 99-yard touchdown pass to himself. Harris’s pass was to receiver Abreon Scott.”
• “An Oct. 15 Sports article incorrectly identified Nick Bax as a runner for St. Albans School in England. He runs for the school of the same name in the District. Also, the article described Bax as having trailed another runner for the first 4,000 kilometers of a race. It was the first 4,000 meters.”
• “An Oct. 18 article mis quoted Harvard School of Public Health cardiologist Dariush Mozaffarian on the benefits of eating fish. Mozaffarian said that eating ‘one or two servings per week of farm-raised salmon’ will help meet recommendations for consuming omega-3 fatty acids, not one or two servings per day.”