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It’s Summer Year ‘Round at Clare and Don’s Beach Shack

Clare and Don's Beach Shack feels like a laid-back beach bar

Bar for Feeling Summery

Chase away the winter blues at Clare and Don’s Beach Shack (703-465-7873; Until recently located in Arlington’s Clarendon neighborhood—hence the punny name—the shack has crab pots on the ceilings and beach scenes on the walls.

Sibling owners David and Rebecca Tax, who hail from Florida, wanted the place to have the casual feel of a beach bar. Patrons may scribble on the picnic tables or the flip-flops hanging on the walls. Bar offerings include five coladas—piña, strawberry, mango, peach, and banana. Or try the specialty—a cherry-lime rickey with cherry vodka, Key-lime juice, 7Up, and grenadine. There’s also a full menu of tasty, inexpensive fare.

The shack just closed to move to 130 North Washington Street in Falls Church in January, but there are no plans to change decor, phone number, or anything else.