Many area plays have recently ended their runs, or are about to this weekend (like Richard III and Gem of the Ocean) but a slew are starting their runs. One of these is Family Secrets, playing through April 15 at Theater J. An off-Broadway hit, the one-woman show is a series of separate monologues in which actress Sherry Glaser portrays five characters based on members of her family and herself—here called the Fishers, a Jewish Long Island family transplanted to California. theater critic William O'Sullivan says that, "Glaser is an unquestionably talented actress and mimic. While the script—cowritten by Glaser and Greg Howells—isn’t half as sharp or original as she seems to think it is, it is usually at least amusing, occasionally poignant, and tightly constructed throughout."
Click here for the full review, and keep your eye out for more theater reviews coming to the site. What upcoming plays are you most excited about? Leave them in the comments.